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St George And St Teresa Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy


Mill Lane, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8PA

01564 774906

  1. News


13 March 2020 (by admin)


Dear Parents and Carers,


I would like to update you on current procedures at school regarding the Coronavirus.


The staff and I have produced a risk assessment and action plan, which has been disseminated to all members of staff and governors.  We continue to receive daily updates from both the DFE and Solihull Local Authority.  We are closely following all advice given.  Any new updates or change of status will be communicated to you immediately.


The main message to the children is that of maintaining personal hygiene.  The children have all watched a video about good handwashing and they are being asked to wash their hands more regularly e.g. when they arrive at school, before and after lunch and before they leave school, as well as when they visit the toilet etc.  It would be helpful if you could reinforce this at home. 


We have introduced paper towels again for drying of hands, although we are disappointed to find that today some children have been removing large amounts from the holders and throwing them on the floor.  Again, your support with reinforcing the importance of using paper towels correctly would be appreciated.


For the time being, we have closed the two drinking fountains on the playground to try to avoid the spread of germs.  At this time, if children do not have their own water bottle, we will not provide them with a cup from school as we have done previously. Cups will still be available as normal during school dinners and children should be encouraged to drink at this time.  For KS1 and KS2 children please send your child in with a labelled water bottle.  These will be sent home daily for washing and refilling. Nursery and Reception children will be given a drink as usual in cups that will be washed daily in the dishwasher.


We are ensuring that we have a good stock of hand soap, paper towels and tissues in every room.  Unfortunately, at this moment in time, we are unable to source any hand sanitiser, but have some on order for as soon as it is back in stock.  If any parents have any hand sanitiser that they could donate to school, we would be very grateful.  We are requesting that all visitors wash their hands on entry to school.


Please inform the office if you suspect anyone in your family to have symptoms of Coronavirus. 

Just to make you aware, we do have one suspected case of Norovirus reported to school at this moment in time.


Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs N Wright